Thursday, December 2, 2010
what are you trying to proof or show
What do you want from me? freaking no reason msj me all the way from uk. You just wasted your line or prepaid. Are trying to make me jealous by sending that msj to me. Pfft sorry... Before yes not anymore. You nth more then a person who is ungrateful of things in life. I admit i still love you till now. But you think i hurt you in a way of cheating on you. I NEVER cheated on you. NOT even once. Look yourself in the mirror and stare what you really done to me in the past. How i still with you after all that crap i saw. You dont see that all you see is the wrong without explanation. I like you and Her at the same time. (I CHOOSE YOU) but thats just a blind thing that you never see. You never will.!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

erie whispers trapped beneath my pillow won't let me sleep your memories.I know you're in this room I'm sure I heard you sigh floating in-between where our worlds collide It scares the hell out of me and the end is all I can see......
I know the moment's near and there's nothing we can do look through a faithless eye are you afraid to die? It scares the hell out of me and the end is all I can see
Thursday, November 18, 2010
This blog will be the place where i can let go my depression. I dont want to make people worry bout me that im not ok and all. I feel i trouble so many. Even i look normal laugh smile happy. BUt im still hurt. Why did she did this i know its my fault but i never cheated on her. The worst thing you can just move on so fast less then few weeks is like showing you been in contact with this person for so long. I wonder who cheated who now. No matter what i do i never cheated on our love. I never did those things you did to me. I just accept it and be with you. I hear your explanation and all but towards me. I feel im being use to certain reason that only you know. It was really a grand closing. I rather you take a knife and just stab me to the heart then to make me suffer like this. When the time comes you will see those who u hurt haunt you.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
ThANK you
Would like to thx a friend of mine who made my day today.. thx for the msj..... Hope things be just find im still unstable but i hope i am able to pull it through.. Thx alot appreciate it
Monday, November 1, 2010
Im Loss
I guess i only use this blog to express my feelings besides people. Im soo loss i miss her badly i can feel it but my anger is so huge that i dont want to even think of her even a minute.. I tried msj her but all i got was a bang from her. I just dont understand why i do something like this is a big thing to count compare the things you did to me. The pain you cause me is much more compare to what i did. I admit i chat with girls but that doesnt mean i cheated on you.. I never once cheated on you. Since when you have the right to even go in my account. Its dam frustrating la seriously. I cant cope with my training and all arghh fuck. This end of the year is fucked up. Worst off all how the hell you know who i like. Haiz Stab in the back. I guess i just let it be la the more i be angry at it the more i start cursing. You think im bad and so be it. There is a saying that it takes a more evil person to see another bad person.......... What goes around comes around. I f what i did was wrong and i shall be punished but i fear those who accuse me of doing wrong all the best. You kena once and you should know.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I loss her
Well it happen again i guess, i loose her i donno what to do or what to feel.. My feelings are normal but deep inside me is screwed. I know i was wrong to do such things but you didnt gave me a chance of explaining, all you care off is that i cheated on you. I didnt want to online with you is because i just want to calm myself down. I was sick i even go injurt but i dont want to tell you yet i got a surprise to tell you but all you did was delete me and throw me off your life just like that. Just because i chat with few girls and i sure know you will hacked to my account and i donno why to do a surprise for you is so hard. I was keeping something so important to tell you but not going online but all was haiz. This how it goes i guess. I wont blame you for anything i know its my fault and i hope you have a great life and take care. The surprise i just keep it for some other time. Perhaps trash it.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Well today the last day of holiday, Tomorrow beginning of tense weak dam this shit. I have enough emotional probs in my life seriouly dont need another but hell with it in life you born alone, your life alone and last you die alone. No one be beside you actually but supporters. So today i woke up at 2pm. Then have my lunch and watch tv. After that did some workout online to get my notes and now online after this im off to bed. So practically its a boring day today life the same everything the same no diff. Hadi signing out...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Body torture.
Well today was the bom. slept at 3 am, woke up at 7, did some work out now rest awhile will continue in awhile. Today plan is normal i guess until later at the evening going to nadz house for raya and after that to rasta to meet some friends and also to fullfill my promise to raja. Promise him many times to go rasta but still never go yet haha. Nasib ar. Then get back home and work out again. Even rite now my muscle are like uhhh but hell with it. Want results go to the fullest. If you want to be the best, you got to change the world, and use this moment to be heard, for your time is now. Hadi signing out...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
1 2 3 4
Haven t been writing for some days now, but nvm i try to compile the whole time that i never update my blog... I can only remember up to last sunday it was the weirdest. Supposely i stayed at home and finish up my report which is due this week before the holidays but unfortunately something else happen instead. Something happen to my girl so i went to kota kemuning to comfort her down something that i failed to do before. After that i break-fast with my gf at some restaurant kinda had a great time with her.
On monday was an ok ok day for me. I donno why when my gf is out with her guy friends i get annoyed for no reason. Haizzzz not that i dont trust her but last nite i seriously need her and i though she be back early and another thing that bother me is that she has to come back early when she is with me but when she with her friends until 5am also there no prob. Hmm well i just accept it then. I left a week with her if not mistaken she flying off next week friday i donno how to cope with myself its easy for people to say move on, get a new one and all. Try if that person change you from something bad that you about to experience. You feel she or he is worth more then anything in this world. So far we dont talk much about london. I know she miss me but her friends comes first to her but i dont really care much. I put myself to a point where the more i worry the more tense i become. So might as well we just create some niec memory together and let her go there peacefully. If possible she only think of me a few percent. Let me become a part where i am just a pass by person.
N'aimez pas si vous à être fait mal
On monday was an ok ok day for me. I donno why when my gf is out with her guy friends i get annoyed for no reason. Haizzzz not that i dont trust her but last nite i seriously need her and i though she be back early and another thing that bother me is that she has to come back early when she is with me but when she with her friends until 5am also there no prob. Hmm well i just accept it then. I left a week with her if not mistaken she flying off next week friday i donno how to cope with myself its easy for people to say move on, get a new one and all. Try if that person change you from something bad that you about to experience. You feel she or he is worth more then anything in this world. So far we dont talk much about london. I know she miss me but her friends comes first to her but i dont really care much. I put myself to a point where the more i worry the more tense i become. So might as well we just create some niec memory together and let her go there peacefully. If possible she only think of me a few percent. Let me become a part where i am just a pass by person.
N'aimez pas si vous à être fait mal
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Today is gone tomorrow arrive and making it total of 2 weeks left with you. To some people might just say, just move on and all but hey, I'm a sensitive guy and i love my relationship. Even-though sometimes we fight and all but its what relationship all about to have ups and downs. But shes going off soon to a place so far that i can visit her anymore like i used to. I remember the first time i saw her in taylor's old campus. We were both shy and all but i didnt know that my best friend will soon end up to be the girl that will change my life forever. I will always remember the sweet times that I'm with her. Sweet memory's can sometime be dark and scary memory's, life must still move on. I know when she goes that i might have a higher chance of loosing her but I'm prepared to. I wish her all the best and she will always be the person that had enter my heart and soul and change me forever. I'm so emoish and im proud of her cause she is able to control it. Her excitement of going there is more then the tough of she will leave me. But i just dont care anymore. I have to face it one day so might as well get ready. Nth much can be said just that hope that i can move on and focus on my future and career coz thats the only thing i will be after.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Well its been two days i think since my last update. Well so far nth much happen just being bored at home, want to go out practically no purpose of going out also not only that planing to save my cash for something big end of the year wohoooo. Hope it comes true i seriously have i hope on it. Tomorrow is Monday got my midterm exam haiz! haven't even study yet. Plus English homework that is still not done yet deng. But never mind we taylorians are good for doing things last minute hahaha. Plan for today i guess study abit, maybe few chats wit my friends and awaiting the time to break fast. So far so good i guess. Au revoir!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Haiz.. Today seriously screwed my English assessment but got change to re do back again. French was so hard that i don't freaking understand what the hell they are talking about. My gum is still the same hurting as always. Was worried bout my girl last nite but practically she wont know. Plus she been acting weird today, said that she is loss and like trying to hide something from me but if i pressure her she will think that i don't trust her haizzz. Got back home early and crash to bed. Tomorrow got birthday party aih cabai hate going birthday parties that im not so close to..... What to do. So it has been written and so it shall be done.... Will keep it update.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Today the best day of a student in degree life....... Woke up this morning to know that my gums hurt even more then 2 days back. Can barely eat and the best part my face swell. SYOK GILER!!!!!
F*#K. I t was so pain that i cant focus in class and was struggling to do my exam cabai... Its seriously the best day today wahahahha. Not only that, my mobile phone got no credit. This is more enjoyable, cant message cant do nth dam. During lunch break went to library to lepak awhile while waiting for nichole. Hahaha didtn aspect she reply on my friend phone and i though she didn't came to college but she did. Weee the best. Did great in my purchasing exam today, got stuck in Taylor's from 5.45 until 7 its no joke...... Open the dam bridge la dammit. AKU MAU BUKAK PUASA LA!!!!!!! inconsiderate being...... Well thats all for today hmmm. Hope be interesting day tomorow and Au revoir et bon chance pour examination.!
F*#K. I t was so pain that i cant focus in class and was struggling to do my exam cabai... Its seriously the best day today wahahahha. Not only that, my mobile phone got no credit. This is more enjoyable, cant message cant do nth dam. During lunch break went to library to lepak awhile while waiting for nichole. Hahaha didtn aspect she reply on my friend phone and i though she didn't came to college but she did. Weee the best. Did great in my purchasing exam today, got stuck in Taylor's from 5.45 until 7 its no joke...... Open the dam bridge la dammit. AKU MAU BUKAK PUASA LA!!!!!!! inconsiderate being...... Well thats all for today hmmm. Hope be interesting day tomorow and Au revoir et bon chance pour examination.!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A little Something

We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'm letting you fly
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die, noooooo
You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time cant erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
I know that you'll be back girl
When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oooohhh
I know that, you'll be right back
Ooooh! baby believe me it's only a matter of time
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my, baby....
You'll always be apart of me (you will always be)
I'm part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on (we will linger on)
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
You will always be my baby
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
After graduation

Well as you know i haven't updated much of my blog since was to busy right... Rightttttt. Anyways i use to be know as spm holder well not anymore, im a diploma holder now wohooooo. Anyways the friendship we build during diploma was treasure-full to me... now just stoning at home waiting for my intake in hmmm not sure the exact date... with few of my fwen and also can wait to o for a dine in or someone guest hahahaa..... well will keep update soon.... BLUE WAFFLE

Friday, March 12, 2010
Why there is such things as couple
Couple is a phase where a guy and a girl is together either in love or something else. But for a person that couple for real love and i mean realy real love, that means till death and when they broke up they either hurt so much or they just give up loving, thats true love. For me i feel that i loss it, i dont feeel it in me, i just like now, i dont want to be in serius relationship. Coz i cant give protection to my partner " so says her" maybe another guy can. it seems she fall for that guy since he gave her a phrase where she felt more secure with him then me. I know you made a right choice. i Hanve no control on you anymore. You can do anything dont consult me, consult him. No matter if you say he is a player or wat so ever bullshit i know you are interested in him. You listen to your friend more then your bf. All i can say is thx for loving me and thx for everything. Im always wrong for you. You can do watever you want b4, i cant. i can never do this or that. But you always can. I pronouce you SF. You just insult me by saying to study in uk is expensive and can i affort it. I know i cant but theres always a way to it. I know im not as wealthy as you but dont look down at me. I prove to you i will be the best even without the best education. Since you going overseas i know you going there to have fun. I hope you dont forget what you suppose to do there. Wishing you all the bestt
Friday, February 26, 2010
A love that will never be.
Its been awhile since my last blog, was to busy to online perhaps just lazy i guest. Last Sunday was our 1 year and 5 month anniversary together. I've never been so happy being with someone that i love more then my life, but.... to think of a certain things' about us makes me feel why i'm still clinging on.
There's this one incident that happen that make everything change, and i meant everything. I ask how does it feels to love someone so much but we can see that it end just like that and you still with that person loving each other so much. Before i use to dream of having a family of my own with the person that i love because she love me as much as i love her. But that was all before now its different, i see myself alone just with my parents no more wife nor kids. I know some will say its early for me to think about all this i hear it all the so just shut the fuck up.
Even though its early one day it will come, it still come no matter at what cause. I love this girl so much but i see there's not much hope on it. Now i just want to concentrate on my studies and focus on it to be success achieve my dream to be a Hotel Manager either with or without a soul mate. I care for you but not as before, i am letting you free to hang out with any guys you want i wont stop you like before, you can drink all you want party and everything, the more i care for you the more it hurts inside because when that day come i wont be with you it will just hurt me even more.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Dark Knight

One day in your life You'll remember a place Someone touching your face You'll come back and you'll look around, you'll . . .
One day in your life You'll remember the love you found here You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now I will stay in your heart And when things fall apart You'll remember one day . . .
One day in your life When you find that you're always waiting For a love we used to share
Just call my name, and I'll be there.
Sometimes i wonder, when i think back of our past you were so much understanding when you were my friend. But when i couple with you, you always think of no 1. YOU. I understand im your bf but sometimes i want to feel what is like my gf pays me a visit once in awhile. I understand you have your reason but im doing this for u and all i want is you understand me when i say i cant see you. But you wont, you get angry, upset and al the negative thing throw at me.
Have once you think of me, my safety, my energy, my time, and all the things im willing to do for you just to impress you, or is it something that you think a boyfriend must do and its his job to full fill his duty. Its that a boyfriend all about. Have you though about the hate that is given to me, have you ever though of that. You only things what makes you happy but not me.
When i cant see you, you start comparing between me and you friend. Think of the distance how fucking far my house to yours. HAVE YOU!!! i guess not rite all you think of YOU YOU YOU.
When i hang out with my friends you get angry but when you hang out with yours its ok. HAiz.
I Have nth else to say.
Im just a dark knight who hides in the shadows, calls out when needed and cast away when not.
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